+27 (0)21 981 6780 sales@mftsa.co.za

Rainwater Goods

Gutters & Rainwater Goods

Gutters, downpipes and general rainwater products are very important features to any home, building or factory. Gutters and downpipes relay heavy water down pours into the system to keep roofs form getting water logged and minimising leaking opportunities.

Our imported machines produce high quality galvanised and aluminium rainwater goods, such as gutters and elbows, for both domestic and industrial industries.


  • Down Pipes
  • Elbows
  • End Cap Profiles
  • Gutters

Get in Touch

  • sales@mftsa.co.za
  • +27 (0) 21 981 6780  Landline
  • +27 (0)71 493 3760
    +27 (0)83  273 8322
  • 45 Gemini Street, Brackenfell South, Cape Town, 7560