+27 (0)21 981 6780 sales@mftsa.co.za

Road & Safety

Road & Safety

Road safety is not only a major concern for South Africa but indeed a concern that requires the immediate attention of Nations worldwide.

Guardrails form part of a larger system known as traffic safety barriers or vehicle restraint systems. Vehicle restraint systems are systems intended to stop or re-direct a vehicle to safety. Guardrails forms an integral part of road safety.


W-beam guardrails are cost-effective highway barriers designed to reduce the collisions, preventing vehicle impact and lessen the likelihood of vehicles overturning.

Road Signs

We supply the most comprehensive machinery to the safety industry.

Get in Touch

  • sales@mftsa.co.za
  • +27 (0) 21 981 6780  Landline
  • +27 (0)71 493 3760
    +27 (0)83  273 8322
  • 45 Gemini Street, Brackenfell South, Cape Town, 7560